“You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.
"You shall love your neighbor as yourself. On these two commandments depend all the Law and the Prophets.”
Matthew 22:36-40 (ESV)
With an emphasis on service, Saint James church has many ministries that do the work of God's love here on earth by serving each other, and our parish and our surrounding community. Are you called to minister and serve others? Prayerfully consider joining or assisting any of the opportunities below.
Advises the Pastor on the pastoral needs of the parish. They help articulate a vision for ministry, assess pastoral priorities and recommend concrete actions to meet the spiritual needs of the parishioners. It serves as a channel of communication among the total Parish community. The members are selected by a discernment process in the spring for a three year term.
Advises the Pastor regarding the financial implications of policy decisions and helps establish financial stability for the parish. The Commission members are appointed by the Pastor. The Council works closely with the Business Manager.
The Commission has the responsibility to the school community of serving in an advisory capacity with relation to the initiation and evaluation of policies and programs concerning Catholic education for the children of St. James School.
The committee will consider the human and spiritual needs of each student and support their development of talents, opportunities, and personal growth. Working in close collaboration with the pastor and school administrator(s) and hearing its many constituents, this commission shall assist in enabling the St. James School community to reach its educational goals.
The Worship Commission advises the Pastor and parish staff on the implementation of the rituals of the Roman Catholic liturgy. This commission also helps educate all parishioners about the liturgy and its central role in Catholic life.
Fr. Bryan Reif at 513-741-5300.
Parish Office Volunteers: Whenever large mailings are necessary in the parish, this group helps prepare the mailing by folding, stuffing, labeling, and sorting the mailing by zip code. We need individuals who have flexible schedules, are able to follow directions and are good with details. This is a fun way to become involved helping the parish while enjoying the conversation and fellowship of other parishioners.
The parish offers a fish fry on the Fridays of Lent for the enjoyment of the parishioners and our guests. The committee organizes the event and recruits volunteers needed each week to prepare the food, staff the order tables, serve the food and clean up.
Email Dianne Hergenrother at [email protected] or visit our website at www.stjamesfishfry.org.
There are several opportunities for recreational involvement in adult activities: card groups, softball, baseball, golf, volleyball, etc. This is an excellent opportunity for fellowship through a shared activity.
Parish Office: (513) 741-5300
Parishioners are needed once a year in August to assist with set-up and registration at the Parish Picnic.
Everyone’s help is needed for the Parish Festival held the last full weekend of July. Volunteers are needed for planning, materials, advertising, set up, booth chairpersons, booth sponsors. The purpose of the parish festival is to provide enjoyment for all parishioners. The festival committee works to provide fellowship and a community-building experience for all.
Kevin and Mary Lackman: (513) 385-7409
Meet 1st Wednesday of each month with Christian principles in mind; assist older adults to live active, interesting lives.
Promotes and enhances the welfare of St. James School through fundraisers and many fellowship opportunities. They also provide support for teachers, students and parents. Throughout the school year there are many opportunities to become involved. We have need for levels of skill and involvement. Open to all school parents.
Teachers/aides and helpers needed for a week of learning, crafts, prayer, food and fun.
Parish Office at 513-741-5300
Email: [email protected]
Volunteers are needed as teachers and assistants for the Pre-School Program (3,4 and 5 year olds on Sunday mornings during 10 am Mass), the Parish School of Religion (grades 1 -7 on Monday evenings from 6:45 to 8:00 p.m.). This is a wonderful way to help our children and parish.
PSR is for children in grades 1st - 8th who do not attend St. James School and will be held as a Parish Family at St. Bernard.
Parishioners are invited to bring cookies and juice boxes to Mass on the 2nd Sunday of each month for the needy and homeless of the inner city. Volunteers are needed to gather the items and deliver them.
We will collect cookies and juice in the Church Hall before all Masses.
Alice Hafner: (513) 923-4721,
Ann Goldschmidt: (513) 385-1605
Lois Mulloy: (513) 720-3049
In response to God’s call to love our neighbor, we are a ministry that empowers our parish community to reach out to the poorest of the poor, shares knowledge about the need, provides for their physical needs and moves toward social justice through service.
Works with those in our community faced with temporary financial challenges.
Parish Office: (513)741-5300
This is an Advent project of providing Christmas gifts and assistance to various community agencies and area families in need. Individuals who are organized and enjoy serving behind the scenes by doing practical and necessary tasks are needed. They oversee the project set-up and coordinate the duties such as writing tags, promoting the project and delivering the gifts.
Deacon TIm Crooker 513-741-5325
Previously known as Scarves for the Homeless: Provide assistance to organizations with crocheted and knitted items and play cards.
Parishioners are also involved in regional programs not sponsored by the parish such as Habitat for Humanity or People Working Cooperatively.
For information on these call the Parish Office: (513) 741-5300
The parish strongly encourages the young people of the parish to participate in all ministries and programs.
A girls scouting organization that focuses on service to the parish and community, achieving life-long skills and outdoor adventure. Our oath is "I promise to love God, cherish my family, honor my country and serve in my community."
Abby Dicks - [email protected]
Helps girls grow to be spiritual, caring, competent and confident young women. The program teaches girls to serve God and their country. We always welcome new adults and girls.
Krista Mitchell
Email: [email protected]
Instills strong Catholic values and leadership in boys, throughout the parish. Scouting influences boys to develop character, good citizenship, and encourages them to grow strong in mind and body.
Boy Scouts - Ed Baier (513) 300-0119
Cub Scouts – Martin Reid (513) 227-7053
St. James Athletic Club promotes and organizes youth athletic programs (baseball, softball, football, volleyball, basketball, golf, track and cheerleading) for parish members. Also maintains fields and facilities to support the programs of this association. Meetings are the 2nd Monday of each month. (NOT June or July)
Scott Kist at [email protected] or www.stjamespanthers.org.
The Father’s Ministry is a fellowship of Christian fathers who through mutual encouragement and accountability are seeking God’s direction in loving their wives, leading their families, bringing their children up in the discipline and discipleship of the Lord by practical application of biblical principles. Weekly meetings are held at 6:03 am in the Church Hall every Friday morning until 7:20 am.
Parish Office at 513-741-5300.
These parishioners pledge to pray for the needs of others. To be placed on the list of those who will pray or to request prayers, call the Prayer Chain phone line at (513) 741-5300, ext 174.
St. James LIFE! Ministry exists to promote respect and protection for life at all stages from conception to natural death. Our objective is to impact our parish families and our community through prayer, guided by the power of the Holy Spirit; through education by being a source of education on Church teaching on the respect for human life; and through action by hosting or participating in events that demonstrate that St. James is a "pro-life" parish.
Monica Grace (513-385-4083),
Marti Shoemaker (513-741-7120) or
Chris Tonnis (513-741-4250).
We pray during the Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament for priests, renewal of the Church and the world. This includes praying for our parish, the pope, vocations and all religious orders. We meet in Church every Monday at 11 am to pray the rosary and Shepherds of Christ prayer Manual. We make rosaries and have special programs for schools, nursing homes and shut-ins. We help in preparing Priestly Newsletters to mail to Bishops and Priests throughout the world.
Melanie Noe (513-385-3064).
Join a Cana Group to renew yourself so every moment spent with your husband and children counts. Cana Family Institute exists to support you in your efforts to build a strong family life and find the peace of knowing your family is on the right track.
Christina Sillies for more information at 513-741-8747 or [email protected] or Molly Sillies at 245-0807 or [email protected].
See website for more information at www.canafamilyinstitute.com.
We are mothers searching for spiritual growth and development through Christian fellowship, religious support, spiritual introspection, spiritual discussions and prayer. By sharing ideas and values, it is our greatest hope to integrate God’s plan into daily lives by raising our children and supporting each other in the many roles as mothers and friends.
Monica Grace (513-385-4083) or Marilyn Thiemann (513-385-7553).
All Women of the parish are invited to pray and share fellowship. Some members make baptismal garments for infants.
Pam Karaus (513-235-9450) and
Peggy Rebsch (513-923-4986).
Resources for women from the Respect Life Archdiocesan Office. Walking with Moms in Need is a national initiative of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops to help parishes better support and accompany pregnant and parenting women. Joining in this initiative, parishes across the Archdiocese of Cincinnati are embarking on a Year of Service to assess, expand and communicate resources to moms in need in our communities. As Pope Francis reminds us, our parishes are called to be “islands of mercy in the midst of a sea of indifference.”
Chris Tonnis (513-741-4250).
Whenever large mailings are necessary in the parish, this group helps prepare the mailing by folding, stuffing, labeling, and sorting the mailing by zip code. We need individuals who have flexible schedules, are able to follow directions and are good with details. This is a fun way to become involved helping the parish while enjoying the conversation and fellowship of other parishioners.
Parish Office, Gina Perkins at 513-741-5300.
Servers assist the priests and deacons at the Lord’s Table for all liturgies. Young Men and women in the 6th grade and older are invited to join this ministry. Training required.
Deacon Tim Crooker at 513-741-5325
Email: [email protected]
Men & women interested in facilitating Children’s Liturgy of the Word during the 10:00 a.m. Sunday Mass by leading, by cantoring, by proclaiming the Scriptures on the children’s level of understand. Materials and training are available.
Carole Ann Yeazell (513-385-5163).
Assist in distributing Communion with reverence and dignity at liturgical celebrations and to those who are ill or permanently/temporarily home bound. Training is required.
Parish Office (741-5300) or for ministry to the home bound call Pat Piller (513-385-2922).
Various music groups enhance the faith experience of the community through sung prayer. The following groups assist us in our liturgies: Adult Choir, Children’s Choir (grades 4-8) Music Ensemble, and Cantors, If intrested in participating in this liturgical ministry please contact us.
Zoltan Marczi, Music Director (513-741-5317).
Provides prayer, comfort and timely support to grieving parishioners who have experienced the death of a loved one. Volunteers extend assistance to the families with the preparation of the vigil, funeral liturgy and final committal. The care continues after the death with special attention to each person’s grief.
Parish Office - 513-741-5300.
Eucharistic Adoration is a devotion to the Real Presence of Christ in the Blessed Sacrament. Adoration is held every Monday after 8:30 am mass until 6 pm. This is an opportunity to spend time spiritually renewing yourself, refreshing and fulfilling your soul in His true presence.
Deacon Tim Crooker (513-741-5325).
Responsible for preparing and proclaiming the first two readings of Sunday and Holydays Masses. They also read the general intercessions and announcements. Training is required.
Deacon Tim Crooker (513-741-5325).
Helps with the process which offers adults who are not baptized or those baptized persons who are members of other Christian communities an opportunity to explore the message of Jesus Christ in the Catholic Church. Active parishioners are invited to become a part of the RCIA process as a sponsor or a variety of other roles.
Deacon Tim Crooker at the Parish Office (741- 5325).
Advises the Pastor and parish staff on the implementation of the rituals of the Roman Catholic liturgy. This commission also helps educate all parishioners about the liturgy and its central role in Catholic life.
Deacon Tim Crooker (513-741-5325).